Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dog Health Care Insurance

Dogs are really man's best friend and I am sure all dog owners will agree me. The simple wag of its tail and the friendly lick that welcomes you every day can take those strees out after a days work. Taking your pet out for a walk or for a simple game with the frisbee can ensure a healthy workout for you and in the most enjoyable manner possible. The pet gives you silent company on lonely evenings and is more than happy to take a backseat when you are surrounded by your friends and family. The dog never complains if you have forgotten to give it a bath or perhaps you could not take it out for a walk due to some urgent work.

Considering all these facets of a pet it is our duty to ensure our dog health care. Dog health insurance can be one of the best ways to show that we care. The health insurance policies provided by various pet insurance companies cover a wide range of services starting from accidents, serious illnesses and even routine health care for the pets. Dogs of all breeds and ages can benefit and avail the advantages of such dog health insurance policies. It is not only easy on the pocket of the owners but also helps to provide the best care for them as such medical attention becomes easily affordable with the insurance.

As the facilities and technology in the world of dog health care are making major advancements in terms of providing superior treatment to the animals, the cost of such treatments is hitting the roof. Treatments like a hip replacement or kidney transplant which were earlier inconceivable in case of animals are now being provided for animals. Dogs too are prone to certain specific diseases like enlargement of heart, epilepsy, hip dysplasia which can be even be genetic. Also the symptom for these diseases occur in dogs only after a certain period of time and by that time the pet has already become an integral part of our families. Therefore helps the owner to provide the best treatment in such circumstances without feeling the financial pressure of providing the best health care for the dog.

Even on a regular basis them requires close attention to his health in terms of the best food, nutrients and hygiene. Regular check ups include expensive vaccinations, maintenance procedures such as ear and teeth cleaning, deworming, getting rid of unwanted mites and ticks and even minor infections. All these processes form an integral part of the dog's regular check up by the vet. A dog health insurance often covers the necessary processes thereby enabling the owner to provide the best care for his beloved pet. If such care is taken it will ensure a happy and loving association between themand his owner. So it is advisable to check with the other pet owners and companies providing such insurance and acquiring a proper dog health insurance for your precious canine.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dog Health Care Importance

dog health careHealth is very important to everyone, and dogs are certainly not an exception to this. Dog health is also a big concern. Healthy dog can help us at all times. To have a healthy dog, a breeder must have enough patience and love to take care of its necessities. All the basic necessities, from the puppy stage until the mature stage must be well observed.

To understand your dog better, you have notice the changes in the behavior of a dog. To note the behavioral changes one has to understand the symptoms of changes in a dog. His health should be given priority and one should take care with proper knowledge. Proper medication will ensure proper health of the dog. A regular veterinary doctor should be in contact to attend to the ailments required.

Dogs do show signs of discomfort. They have some symptoms to indicate that they are not healthy. One symptom is choking; the sound and gesture will be obvious. When a dog cries, trembles or has heavy breathing it is a sign of acute pain in the abdomen. If there is a bad odor from the ear, then it is ear infection or ear mites. Such symptoms should be noticed and medications should be done immediately. A dog’s normal temperature is 101 to 102 degree and the heart beat is 100 to 150 beats per minute. A dog health is comprised of everything from head to toe. It has to be taken care with intense love and affection.

One cannot tame a dog without proper knowledge. Dogs expect every attention from their masters. So the master should take pain to know about dogs, their habits, diets and possible health disorders. Sensing the difference in its health, one should guess its problem and explain it to the doctor and get the right medications.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dog Health Care : The Amazing Dog

She has only two legs and walks like a human.
Some dogs with this condition could not survive. But in this situation, it was different.
This dog survive the challenges of having only 2 legs. Amazing!

This is a perfect example of the wonders that can be achieve if we take a good dog health care.

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dog Health Care - Helping Keep Dogs Out Of Shelters

While many Americans consider their four-footed friends to be a part of the family, more than 4 million dogs end up in shelters every year. Sadly, nearly half of those canines never find a place to call home. Now it's easier than ever for dog lovers to find a way to help.

Kate Walsh, star of television's "Private Practice" and loyal owner of an adopted dog, partnered with PEDIGREE to launch the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive Foundation, a new nonprofit organization that provides funding to select animal shelters and breed rescues nationwide in order to help dogs find loving homes.

"It breaks my heart to know that there are so many loving dogs in shelters just waiting to find real dog health care," says Walsh. "It's impossible to articulate the happiness that my adopted dog Lucy brings to my life-so I'm excited to be a part of a program that is committed to raising awareness of and funding for these wonderful animals."

It's important to note that adopting a pet is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Caring for a pet is a big responsibility, but most dog lovers will tell you that adding a canine to your family will bring a great deal of joy and happiness. The dog lovers at PEDIGREE created an Adoption Drive to shine the spotlight on the plight of homeless dogs. Here they provide some tips for responsible pet adoption:

• Make sure your home is ready for a dog. Many items in your home can be harmful or even deadly to your dog health, so "doggy-proof" your home in the same way you might for a young child. Remember, the breed of dog you choose might require more space to roam.

• Consider how your pet will fit into your life. In deciding what type of dog you should get, consider what you're looking for in your future pet. Is he going to be a fun playmate for the children or perhaps a silent soul mate for long walks? Visit to take the Select-A-Dog Questionnaire to help determine what breed is the best match for your lifestyle.

• Make sure you're financially prepared to own a dog. Remember that toys, training, grooming and medical costs are important factors in your budget as an owner. Look for quality food products that provide lasting nourishment. PEDIGREE is the dog food that gives back. A percentage of each sale is donated to the foundation.

• Learn how to identify your dog from the start. Providing a collar with an ID tag or microchip is one of the first things you should do as a new owner. This adds a level of safety for your pet and provides piece of mind for you.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dog Health Care Homemade Food

dog health foodHealth is always the major concern for our dogs. And to ensure dog health care, the food that they eat should be a priority. Dog breeds has to follow special diets in order to maintain their muscular strength and form. The easiest solution for this would be homemade health dog food recipes. To make sure they are eating the right food right from your own kitchen.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Recognize the type of food best for your dog. Large dog breeds need much more protein-rich food than other types of breed. This is best suited their bones and muscles. Dogs love tasty beef, pork, liver, and fish. Make sure you stock up with these meats. Simply sauté the meat and your dog will enjoy all the homemade health dog food recipes you prepared.

2. Salt is not advisable on dog health. It is not good on the dog food. Actually natural foods are the best food for our pets . Dog will surely love your choice of homemade health dog food recipes. All you really have to do is to cook it right.

3. Dogs need the vitamins and minerals in vegetables to keep them healthy. Make sure you add enough of them every meal.

There are a lot of dog health food recipes over the internet. Make sure that you pick up the right one to ensure you dog health.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dog Health: A dog with Narcolepsy

The story of Skeeter, a Poodle with Narcolepsy.

The first time I saw the video, I cannot help but feel pity for the dog. It was one of the strangest medical condition I have ever seen.

A proper dog health care is needed by this dog to overcome this problem.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Dog Health Care - How to Keep Your Dog Safe

dog health and safetyPreventable accidents are sadly also a leading cause of early death for many dogs. Dogs, which suffer from car accidents, injuries from, dogfights, and accidental poisonings are unfortunately seen regularly in veterinarian clinics everywhere. While accidents sometimes happen no matter how many precautions we take to ensure dog health care, there are things that you can do to help keep your dog as safe as possible.

Protect Your Dog From Vehicular Accidents And Dog Fights

Never let your dog outside unaccompanied, and try to keep your dog in a fenced in yard. Keep the possibilities of accidental dogfights down by introducing your dog slowly to other dogs, or better yet keep other dogs away from your dog all together. Most dogfights occur when dogs are outside by themselves; be sure that your dog cannot run out of the house or escape from the yard.

If your dog is in an area where there are any vehicles, even golf carts or mopeds, watch your dog closely and always keep your dog on a secure leash and harness.

Dangerous dogfights can also occur when dogs are in a household that has a lot of other dogs. If you own more than one dog, and they continue to fight, then you may need to permanently separate the dogs to keep them from hurting one another.

Train Your Dog To Respond To Your Commands

A big part of keeping your dog safe involves training, which will help your dog to respond to your voice in any type of situation. Professional training classes are often needed to obtain the desired and effective results, and the lessons you and your dog learn in these classes will need to be continually practiced throughout the dog's lifetime.

If one day your dog does run outside without a leash, you can quickly call your dog back to you before he or she gets into an accident; if your dog confronts another dog you may be able to call your dog away before a fight occurs. Training your dog can save your dog's life, and working with your dog will also help you and your dog to develop a stronger bond.

Protect Your Dog From Accidental Poisoning

Every year dogs around the world experience fatal poisoning accidents. Many of these accidents are caused by rodent poisons that are placed around the home or in outside areas where a dog has access to them. A dog may be treated successfully from dog poisonings, but ingesting these products can often lead to permanent organ damage. If you use any poisonous products around your home, make sure that your dog will not be able to reach them at all.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dog Health Question and Answers

Are you concerned about your pet's health or just have some dog health questions?

The following list of dog health care questions and answers will help you to recognize if your pet is ill. It will also help you to take a better care of your puppy or an adult dog.

Before we proceed to questions and answers, here is something important...

Don't try to make a diagnosis on your own. If you suspect your pet is ill, take him to a veterinarian.

OK, here are the...

5 Dog Health Questions and Answers

1. How can I tell if my puppy is ill?

The most common signs that your pet is ill are a loss or appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and depression (yes, dogs get that too). If these symptoms don't disappear in two days, contact your dog's veterinarian. In general, you will get to know your dog pretty well and will be able to tell if there is something wrong with him.

2. Is it necessary to brush my dog's teeth?

Surprisingly, and unfortunately, this is not one of the more common dog health questions.
In short, the answer is "yes". According to American Veterinary Dental Society, around 80 percent of dogs show signs of oral disease by the age of three. By cleaning your dog's teeth on a regular basis, you will keep his gums and jaw bones healthy. You will also be able to reduce or even eliminate costly cleanings done under general anesthesia by a vet. Chew toys will also help you keep your pet's teeth healthy.

3. Is it possible to tell by the temperature of my dog's nose if he is ill?

A common dog health question that many owners feel they have an answer for. Unfortunately, the answer they have is wrong. No, you can't tell if your dog is ill by his nose. Dogs have only two body parts though which they sweat. Nose is one of them (paws are another). When the outside temperature is hot and your dog is sweating to cool himself, his nose will feel cool and moist. On the other hand, if a dog does not need to cool himself, his nose will feel dry.

4. How often will I need to vaccinate my dog?

This is one of the most common dog health questions. There are many factors that will influence vaccination schedule and, because each situation is unique, only your veterinarian can answer this question. He or she will talk to you about it during your pet's first visit.

5. How often will I need to take my dog to a vet?

It all depends on your dog health in general. If your dog is in good health, an older dog will usually need to see a vet once a year. For younger puppies, because of vaccinations, vet visits will be more frequent. And, of course, if your dog is ill, he will need to see a vet whether it's time for a regular checkup or not.

For more information on dog health problems, visit

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